“We have reached the age we can be eccentric and I like it” was a quote that seems to sum up the day for a PS Princess style birthday.

“We have reached the age we can be eccentric and I like it” was a quote that seems to sum up the day for a PS Princess style birthday.
There is no shortage of love surrounding Rick Springfield when you go to one of his concerts. Even more so, there is no shortage of love when Rick is a part of a charitable event.
Decked out in orange and located in the Uptown Design District of Palm Springs you can find the popular TRIO restaurant. This mid-week evening at Trio we met to support LIVE Magazine as they celebrated another fabulous issue. This issue’s cover selection presented Emmy Nominated Reporter at KESQ News Channel 3, Joe Galli.
As the rare but menacing dark skies covered Palm Springs, many well-known good-hearted locals arrived at Eight4Nine Restaurant to raise funds for Kathleen Schriefer’s son, Thomas, who suffered from water poisoning resulting in brain damage. Drinking excessive water can dilute the amount of sodium in the body which, in turn, can do harm to your muscle function, nerve function, and just about every other function in the body.
Catalan Mediterranean Restaurant is not only known for its exquisite menu prepared by genius chef Drew Davis, but this family owned gem is incredibly generous to many local charities.
Yes, we are calling ourselves princesses because, well, why not? Isn’t being 50 the new 40 according to 50 year olds? AND you are only as old as you feel according to, hmm, who said that again? Well, anyway…