It used to be that in the summer Palm Springs would become quiet with little to do except avoid the intense heat. That has all changed. Okay, we still have the heat, but with many events happening now and fantastic restaurants staying open, Palm Springs is a vibrant and active place to indulge in during the summer.
There is the Pets on Parade luncheon benefitting Pegasus Therapeutic Riding Academy and Loving All Animals, the opening of Venus De Fido spa for you and your pet, Orange You Glad It’s Summer benefitting the Raina Chessman Fund and the L-Fund, events at Just Blow Drys for various charities, the Desi Strong Foundation events, American Cancer Society Desert Spirit Happy Hours, ACT for MS Jazz night, oh gosh, and so many more.
Live Magazine & The Hard Rock Hotel
Live Magazine has fun mixers to present their featured magazine at a different venue each month. The latest one we attended was at the Hard Rock Hotel. From the incredible turn out, it is obvious that not only do many of the locals remain in Palm Springs during the summer, but they also enjoy supporting these events led by the fantastic Levvy Carriker and Juli Ragsdale.
The Hard Rock Hotel is in a perfect location for visitors looking to just walk out of their hotel to incredible restaurants and fun boutique shops. Drinks are priced high at the bar, but for this mixer they were reduced. The parking situation isn’t ideal for locals since you have to pay a significant fee to valet. I’d suggest parking across the street or on the street for any events held here. However, we always enjoy the Live Magazine’s Happy Hour Mixers and seeing many of our friends and the local color.

Gayle Keagy, Melissa, Teresa

Sabastian Reich, Melissa, Teresa, Gayle

Darrell Tucci, Eric Turcio, Mike Thompson, Alfie Pettit, Sean Borg: pic from Scene by Sean Borg
Now going with the theme of Hard Rock, we had a rockin’ time at Smokin’ Burgers when a group of us took over the restaurant to watch ABC’s Greatest Hits show. Yes, I know, it’s not hard rock, but I am desperately trying to be clever here with my segue to this part of the post!
If you have read our other posts, which I am going to just believe you have and enjoyed tremendously, you know my husband is Rick Springfield’s keyboardist. This new “ABC’s Greatest Hits” show is made up of 6 episodes with each one showcasing musicians and musical groups during half decades. First up was 1980-1985 and Rick Springfield was one of the performers for the debut show. Rick and his band had filmed it a few weeks earlier, so not only were we excited to relive our youth with this music, but we also had Tim in our presence to do so as we watched!
I had no idea if we would even see Tim on the show or even what to expect. Why, you ask? Get this, for an 80’s show the audience members needed to be between the ages of 18 to mid 30’s! Yup, no one who really lived during that time was in the front audience. Guess they don’t think 40 and older can “Get Excited” or “Light This Party Up”. Well, we showed them! If they were at Smokin’ Burgers, we showed them!
Seriously, though, I see both men and women our age truly enjoying the music and performers they love in a way that can only be expressed if you have a deep connection with it all. We don’t look like we did when we were in our 20’s (sorry, not even those who might have had plastic surgery), but once those smiles appear on the face, thanks to the music that is deep in our souls, we are all pretty damn beautiful! Yes, the 20-30 year olds look hot on screen, but that sincere sparkle in the eye and connection to the music is nowhere to be found in them.
It was found at Smokin’ Burgers, for sure, thanks to the amazing supportive family and friends that gathered there to cheer Tim on.
Before I rave about our friends, I must do a huge one for this restaurant and those that work there. Smokin’ Burgers is in the Smoketree Village in Palm Springs and owned by an incredible couple, Huey and Erin Burnham. Their caring and fun-loving personalities have created a relaxed and enjoyable place where you can go to find comfort food, delicious salads, the best salmon dishes, and of course, fantastic burgers. You must start with the homemade potato chips! So good. Whether you order the salad with salmon, fish tacos, one of their delectable sandwiches, or their famous hamburgers, you must add the potato salad as a side! The staff is friendly and hard-working and they have a fabulously priced happy hour twice throughout the night.
Now to our friends!
When I posed the idea of us all heading over to Smokin’ Burgers to watch the show, our friend Gayle didn’t hesitate one moment to call over and arrange the reservations along with the bogarting of the televisions there at 9pm (sorry whoever showed up that night to watch sports!) The idea became reality and the “old” bunch, without a second thought, agreed to be there.
Now, Teresa has been used to sharing her husband with the public and not having him around at home a lot of the time, but that kind of lifestyle was new to me. ( more on our views of this in another post to come!) Even though I had encouraged it (any Rick fan reading this is thinking, “you’d be crazy not to encourage it”), the notion of my being on my own quite often was a bit disconcerting. When you are blessed to have great friends like we do, well, that uncertainty of the situation dissipates and you are surrounded by supportive, encouraging people ready to step in whenever you need them. So, it wasn’t a surprise to have many of these friends share a moment that was pretty darned special to Tim.

Tim, Paul Mahoney, David Steen
After our dinner and a few drinks later, the show was ready to begin! By this time, we had taken over more than half of the restaurant with both our increasing reservation number and our increasing loudness.

Some of my family: Sister-in-law Shannon, niece Emily, me, my brother Erik

Organizer extraordinaire Gayle with Teresa
Prior to arriving at Smokin’ Burgers, my friend Nick had called letting me know he was able to watch the east coast airing of the show. I was nervous about whether Tim would have any face time, thinking it would be a bummer if he didn’t, with friends and family anticipating seeing at least a glimpse of him on TV. So, I asked Nick to let me know if the band was shown at all. Right before we left the house, I received the text, ” They showed the whole band. Great performance, kick ass, and here’s a little ditty at the end with your hubby.” I was jumping up and down! I could relax with a big smile on my face! Woohoo!
If you saw the show, you are aware of Arsenio Hall being the host with a very young hostess by his side. How she scored that gig is beyond me. (Am I being catty?) The banter seemed juvenile and forced. It’s too bad they couldn’t have hired a VJ from the 80’s for this episode. Remember VJ’s? Mark Goodman, Downtown Julie Brown, Nina Blackwood, etc? Remember music videos?
Kenny Loggins and a tribute to Michael Jackson preceded Rick’s performance. Was there more? Geez, we were all in conversation while keeping a side view of the show so not to miss the moment Rick came on. Selfish, yup.
FINALLY, Rick was shown starting with a heartfelt interview. Not too many dry eyes when he speaks so lovingly of his dad. Then, there was Jessie’s Girl (by the way, I think they spelled “Jessie” wrong on the show, hmmmm..!) AND Then, there was the band! Then Tim’s hands on the keyboard! Woohoo! Everytime we saw the band or Tim’s hands we all screamed. Then the clip at the end: Rick says to the camera,”We did our best.” George (guitarist) responds back, “You were fabulous!” Rick points to George and TIM! “You were fabulous!”. The crowd goes wild! Woohoo!
Here’s that video clip (fun!)
Besides giving my two cents about the show and bragging about my husband being on TV, the point of this post is to say: You can have wonderful things happen in your life, but without good friends and family to share them with they aren’t as special and memorable. I am grateful to create memories which will live through posts, pictures, and more importantly, deep in my heart. I am blessed to know incredible people who introduce me to more amazing people who I can call my friends.

Michele Mahoney, Renae Madore, Melissa, Gayle Keagy, Bobbie Eakes

David Steen and Tristan Rogers

Bobbie Eakes and John

Some of the gang
My wish for all who read this is to have people who dance into your life filled with music, love, and support and become your treasured friends who help write the lyrics in your life.
To my partner in crime Teresa: Thanks for rockin’ along with me on this unpredicatable and fun journey!